Remembering Dr.Scott E. Monk
This Guest Book will remain online permanently courtesy of AtlantiCare Regional Trauma Center.
September 06, 2016
Lots of Scott memories shared and tributes paid to him this year. He lives on in the hearts and smiles of many of us. I am privileged to have shared so much with him. His sons are young men of whom any parent would be proud. Nancy works especially hard to perpetuate Scott's name and memory. Thank you to all who have generously shared so many memories with us.
Alta Monk,
Glade Park, Colorado
August 22, 2015
Another year! Chris & I had a nice Birthday Cupcake and some Haagen Dazs...had to laugh when I saw the flavor...Drunken Monkey! 52 yrs ago Comet Scott landed on Planet Earth...what fun!!!
Alta Monk,
Glade Park, Colorado
August 22, 2014
51 years ago today Scott landed on this earth. This was his theme song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mYKWch_MNY0 Made us all laugh and he relished it. Going to have a piece of happy birthday to you cake, Scott! Love, Mom
May 05, 2014
Happy Cinco de Mayo, Señor Whiskers
I will be having a margarita in your honor today.
Love, love
May 04, 2014
never forgotten.
August 22, 2014
50 years ago today...Scott was born. I am grateful for everyone who loved him...and all whom he loved. He had a great 'dash.' Memories of him make me smile!
Alta Monk,
Glade Park, Colorado
February 19, 2012
could go for a good story right now.
December 22, 2011miss you scott. you made the residency infinitely more bearable.
Barb Gurden,
Laingsburg, Michigan
August 22, 2011Happy birthday, Scott. 48 today.
Miss you, honor you, love you.....
Nancy, Josh ,David
August 18, 2011
skunk....i miss you and think of you often :(
February 08, 2011
Scott, I have not seeing you for 30 years but I never forgot about you and I will never forget about you.
I miss you so much.
Akiko, kumamoto
August 28, 2010I
miss you, Scott...
Kim Lewicki,
Rochelle Park, New Jersey
April 12, 2010
Was just thinking about the time Dr Monk and I went on and on laughing and making jokes about what could be cooked in a turkey deep fryer- we came up with every idea imaginable! Deep fried ice cream to deep fried cheeseburgers to even deep fried Lipitor (haha). We laughed so hard the nurses told us to be quiet. Such a nice doctor. I know he is making the angels laugh and smile in heaven.
Cathy Krysa,
ARMC, New Jersey
October 11, 2009
Scott touched many lives. his lasting legacy is the joy with which he embraced his life. we all have heard his laugh and it endures. my residency training was made inexplicably more tolerable by his presence. through him, i met his mother who has to be one of the kindest people that i have met. like mother like son. i am sure that his sense of humor and kindness will endure in his children.
barb gurden,
laingsburg, Michigan
September 01, 2009
I remember this day like it was yesterday. I can not believe it has been three years. Thinking about his family and remembering what a great man and physician he was and how many lives he touched. Sadly missed!
Monica Titus,
Atlantic City, New Jersey
April 08, 2009
When we think of Scott we smile and laugh of what fond memories he has left us.
Just wanted to share how Scott continues to touch us by The Scott E. Monk Scholarship Fund established by his family.
Here are the details....
The Scott E. Monk Scholarship Fund is being established by AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center to honor the life and teachings of Dr. Scott Monk. Dr. Monk, though only with AtlantiCare a short time, had a strong impact on the Trauma and Critical Care service, patient and family support, and most importantly, the new Trauma Resuscitation Area. He was truly devoted to his colleagues, his patients and their families. This fund will support AtlantiCare employees and/or their dependents in their pursuit of a medical or nursing degree.
Applicants are limited to AtlantiCare employees and their dependents who must be enrolled in a program or have completed the prerequisites at an accredited college or university for medical or nursing studies. All applications and supporting documents should be received by April 24, 2009.
Scholarship recipients must attend an accredited college or university with tuition requirements in the academic year following their selection. Verification of enrollment is required. Scholarship funds will not be paid directly to the award recipient. Scholarship funds will be applied toward tuition, fees, or book purchases and other appropriate educational expenses, as determined by the Scott E. Monk Scholarship Fund Committee. All relatives of Scott E. Monk are ineligible to apply for the scholarship.
Upon submission of the completed application, applicants agree to grant the Scott E. Monk Scholarship Fund the right to use any information contained in the application for the purpose of promoting this Scholarship program as legally permitted by law.
The Scott E. Monk Scholarship Fund is being established with an annual gift of $5000 by the family of Scott Monk to support individuals in their pursuit of a career in medicine.
Monica Titus,
Williamstown, New Jersey
April 13, 2008
Josh and David
I trained in surgery with your father. You need to know that he was smart, hardworking, brave and most of all compassionate.He talked about the two of you all the time. You were the center of his life. Everything he did was for his children. He enjoyed being a surgeon and he made it fun. He loved to pick on his residency partner adam who took it with grace. He loved to laugh and in a big way. There are monk stories to be shared about his time at botsford hospital in farmington hills mi. he will be missed!
Barb Gurden DO,
laingsburg, Michigan
April 03, 2008
This is from a scroll that Josh gave his dad as a gift. It is a treasure...
My dad is my hero. Hi is my hero because he is fun and generous.
My dad is fun because he takes my brother and me to cool places. He takes us to hockey games, movies, fishing and to go practice football. I especially like it when we go fishing because he tells me about when he was younger and gives me tips. I really enjoy spending this time with my dad because we get to relax and talk about things we don't usually get to talk about.
He is generous because he spends the holidays with us. In order to spend the holidays with us he has to take time off work. When he takes time off work he has to work all night some other day. It makes me feel special to know that he does all that work to be with me and my family. My dad is also generous because he takes my brother and I golfing. Instead he could be out with his friends, but he'd rather spend time with us. This makes me feel so good. I feel as if I could do anything for him.
Lastly and most importantly my dad is generous because he saves at least one life a day, and helps at least five people. This makes me absolutely, positively, totally sure that he is the best dad in the universe. I remember one time, it was the night before Christmas and my dad and I were looking at lights when his beeper went off. He called the hospital. A sad look came over his face, when he got off the phone. He told me what happened. A girl and her father were coming home from a Christmas party. While they were driving, the dad fell asleep. They crashed. The father was killed instantly and the girl was in severe condition. He dropped me off at home, and put on his scrubs, and went to work.
At first I felt sad, but then I felt really good. I knew he was at work trying as hard as he could to save that girl's life. He came home late the next night and said the greatest words I ever heard in my life, "she lived." My dad had saved that girl's life and missed Christmas. It made me feel so good that he gave up Christmas and saved someone else's life. My dad is my hero and he will be forever.
Josh Monk,
December 2001
I think this fantastic gift tells as much about who Josh is as it does about Scott...and you can see why Scott was so proud of him. Alta, (Scott's mom)
Alta Monk,
Glade Park, Colorado
February 29, 2008
Dear Monk Family,
Six years ago I was very sick in Cooper's ICU. I was in hypovolemic shock,multi system organ failure, in a drug induced coma and needed a trach. I was so swollen that that they weren't sure that they'd be able to do the procedure. The trauma doctor put my trach in in less than 10 minutes and everyone was amazed. I, of course, was in a coma and didn't remember the doctor. Just last night, I asked my cousin, who works in the ICU, who did my trach. I knew every other doctor who had a hand in saving my life, but never knew who did that surgery...I only knew it was a trauma doc. My cousin told me his name was Monk. I told my cousin that his name sounded so familiar. He informed me that the doctor passed. Instantly, I got chills and teared up. I was upset because this man helped save my life in a huge way...he did something others thought was going to be impossible...and did it with ease! I thank God he decided to become a doctor, for without him there at that time in my life...??? I've come to not let my trach scar bother me claiming it was a badge of survival. I never knew who gave me the gift of breathing through that incision, but last night I got his name and today I came across this guestbook and, thanks to everyone's comments, I learned a little bit about the man who helped save my life. I wish I got to meet him. He won't be forgotten. Thank you for him.
Tabernacle, New Jersey
February 29, 2008
Dr. Monk, I still think of you often.
Jay Gandy,Voorhees, New Jersey
September 08, 2007
It has been over a year that, we, Scott's family and friends have been living without him. To all of you, esp. my long-time friend Nancy, Scott's mother, and his boys, I send my condolences and deepest sympathies. I didn't know Scott all that well - I saw him so infrequently. But I feel that I know him better through all of these heart-felt comments and anecdotes. My wish is that these memories of him will bring you comfort. I know the world is a poorer place since he's gone. Godspeed.
Mark Leyde,
Charleston, South Carolina
August 24, 2007
Happy Birthday, Dr. Monk. We miss you so much! Kim
Kim Wood,
Linwood, New Jersey
August 22, 2007
A year ago today Scott's wife Nancy, Josh & David surprised him with a plane ride in Philadelphia on a WWII Boomer. Of course he was running late & we had to push him out of the hospital. It was a special day...he loved it! He of course came back with some great stories & some pictures with a goofy birthday hat on in the Boomer.
We miss you!!
Happy Birthday Scott!
Monica Titus,
New Jersey
July 16, 2007
Hi! It is Scott's mom again... When I copied some of the comments written upon his lab coat, I made errors! As I noticed them, I could just imagine him...rolling his eyes and saying, "Mom...you messed up my Monkisms!" Ryhmes/rhymes? But the very worst was misspelling SUBSEQUENTLY...his very favorite word! Then I left an "L" off of love. He almost always got 100% on his spelling tests, so we all know that this would not be his style. I do miss him. He was a tremendous gift and I am so grateful that he was in my life. Thank you to all of you who were his friends and were there for him!
Alta Monk,
Glade Park, Colorado
May 08, 2007
I will always miss you. You were a great doctor and coworker.
Jacqueline Wagner,
Galloway, New Jersey
October 31, 2006
It was only a short time that i worked w/him but hes was such a sweet and caring person. i will miss him alot. may god bless his family.
sonia guzman,
atlantic city, New Jersey
October 08, 2006
Scott's friends and colleagues at Atlantic City Medical Center created a special memory by signing Scott's lab coat. I am going to enter some of the thoughts from the coat and will write more periodically. This is so touching...Thank you for your thoughts...Scott's family.
Dr. Monk, Now you have gone to a new place to save and care for others. I see your name and handwriting on pt's charts. Your presence is strong. You will not be forgotten. God Bless, C..............///DR. MONK, YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW MUCH YOU WILL BE MISSED. THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING YOU HAVE TAUGHT ME. YOU HAVE ALSO BEEN A GREAT FRIEND. I WILL NEVER FORGET YOUR SENSE OF HUMOR & YOUR COMPASSION! THINGS WON'T BE THE SAME WITHOUT YOU!! YOU ARE ONE OF A KIND. LOVE ALWAYS, YOUR FRIEND, M...
Monkey, I wanted to write my note where I always drew on your scrubs. :>) You will be missed! You are loved by the masses.Love You, M.............///DR. MONK (MONKEY) ARMC WILL NEVER BE THE SAME WITHOUT YOU AND YOUR SMILING FACE. 'TILL WE MEET AGAIN DO YOUR GOOD DEEDS IN HEAVEN. WE LOVE YOU! J...
Dr. Monk-To a fine surgeon ..Get a spleen out in 3 minutes but fix a hernia in 3 hours. Will be sadly missed. K............///SCOTT, YOU WERE A PLEASURE TO WORK WITH. I WILL MISS YOUR LAUGH & GETTING TO TALK ABOUT FISHING! THANKS FOR BEING YOU & FOR BEING NOT JUST A COLLEAGUE BUT A FRIEND. C...
"MONKISMS" *THE HANDS OF GOD*..*KNIFE RYHMES WITH LIFE*..*TO CUT IS TO CURE*.."SUSEQUENTLY"..*ICE (I AM THE CENTER OF EVERYTING)*..*LET ME SEE IF I CARE*..*I WILL BE ON TIME*..*I PROMISE I DID DICTATE THAT NOTE*...........///Dr. Monk, You will be missed. Bet you have flyed away to a better place you are blessing. C...
Alta Monk,
Glade Park
September 28, 2006
We heard from Mark by email that Scott had passed away. There are no words.
Dan and I send our sincere sympathy.
I know he had to be a great guy to hook you.
Love Pat Maguire and Dan Davis
Merritt Island, Florida
September 25, 2006
Dear Monk Family,
I want to express my condolences on your loss. I also want to share the miracle brought to my family as a result of your father, husband and friend.
My father was in an accident and suffered serious injuries as a result. Dr. Monk was the first person to treat him and to sit with us and discuss the seriousness of his injuries. He didn't sugar-coat the truth, but he never made it seem an impossible task to make him well. Dr. Monk saved my father's life. I believe we are all here to serve a greater purpose, and God knew my father would need the miracle that Dr. Monk could provide.
Dr. Monk touched my family's life and I feel blessed by God to have had him there during my father's greatest time of need.
May God be with you know during your greatest time of need.
Thank you Dr. Monk!
Wendy Williams,
Bridgeton, New Jersey
September 23, 2006
Scott's sons, Josh and David, wrote the following letters to their dad on September 2. Copies were available at the memorial service the following week. I think they are a wonderful tribute.
Dear Dad,
It was fun playing video games, walking the dog, going for bike rides, going golfing, fishing, boating, teaching me how to ski, horsing around, wrestling around, taking me camping, helping me with football and lacrosse...and being together.
I'm going to miss having someone to play video games with...it was mostly fun to play Grand Tourismo II.
Now, I won't have anyone to take me on the jet ski and let me go full-throttle. It was mostly fun walking and talking while walking Taz. There won't be anyone to let me steer the boat.
I will have to do some of these things by myself, but I will be thinking of you.
Your #1 Son,
Dear Dad,
I once wrote an essay in the fifth grade about how you were my hero, through all of these years I would say that that document has remained more true and accurate than any other I have written. I wanted to thank you for a great childhood, 15 way to short years of happiness, and the best father I could ever dream of. You are one of the many contributors who have made me a better person to this day, and for that I thank you eternally.
I am going to miss everything we did together, from all the fighting to all the good times, but there are a few things that stand out. I will miss our long talks in the car, I will miss your never ending encouragement and advice in my sports career, I will miss our wrestling on the floor with David and the dog, I will miss your daily stories about work, I will miss listening to the comedy channels with you in your car, and most importantly I will miss YOU and all the good you performed for this world.
Now I guess I am the man of the house and a lot comes to rest upon my shoulders, but you have made me strong and prepared me for the task at hand. I will always be there for Mom and help her through the hard times just like you did. As for David, I will try to be the best role model for him as I can possibly be.
Things will be harder without you around, but that is O.K. because you will always be there in my heart.
Your other #1 Son,
Joshua R. Monk
Note from Alta...David had signed his letter "Your #2 Son"...and, upon seeing it, Josh promptly made a change.
Alta Monk,
Glade Park, Colorado
September 21, 2006
Dear Nancy, and Sons, Aunt Alta, Keith Kevin,
My Love and spirit are with you all! Scott was like a shooting star filling the sky with his Light, as well as helping so many other stars shine brite! Even in his absence he goes on in those he helped, paitents, family, staff and everyday contact with people we might never know. I'm so very proud of my cousin and what he chose to do with his life! I feel God could only spare him for so long before calling him home...(Dr. Monk, Paging Dr. Monk) God Wants you!!!
I will miss his spirit and Deeds,
All my Love,
Mike.Michael Zundel,
Spokane, Washington
September 20, 2006
Dear Alta, Keith and Kevin,
I am so sorry to hear about Scott. Even though it's been easily over 20 years since I've seen you all, I remember your family fondly and my heart goes out to you during this difficult time. Please know that my prayers are with you.
Jennifer (Pierce) Christensen,
Fort Collins, Colorado
September 18, 2006
Dear Nancy and family,
I had the unique honor of being Scott's one and only fellow surgery resident in the class of 1995 at Botsford General Hospital. He was a kindred spirit and I will miss him sorely. He was a gifted and talented surgeon with a wit and presence that distinguished him. I heard this evening that Scott passed away unexpectedly. Dr. Robert Boorstein informed me of this sad occasion. I regret not having kept in closer touch with Scott all these years, however, whenever we saw each other at meetings there was always a comfort I experienced with him. He was like a brother of sorts...someone whom, perhaps, I took for granted and thought someday I would really connect with. So, since I never really had the chance I would like to say thanks to Scott for giving me an awareness that there is often more to a situation than what might initially meet the eye. Scott always had a way of seeing beyond the surface of things. I will miss you Scott. My wife, Roxane, and children Abby and Zack were touched by Scott as well. We all send our deepest sympathies to you all. God Bless You.
Dr. Adam Dachman,
Madison, Wisconsin
September 17, 2006
Dear Alta, Keith and Kevin,
What an incredible journey Scott had during the time he was here. From
the guestbook entries I learned about the lives he touched since he
left Denver. We had some wonderful times and Kristi and I remember the
laughs and the tears. Our prayers are with you during the next stage of your journey. You Alta, are to be commended that you raised such a
beautiful son. He made a difference. He touched many lives. Our prayer
is that your grief might move through you gently. May you hold in your mind forever the truth we agree today: Scott yet lives in the arms and in the mind of God. Keep your hearts and minds open to receive him. He shall yet communicate his love for you, for he lives on in spirit and shall not forget you.
Love and Prayers,
Donna Bowman
Kristi Kemp
Donna Bowman,
Palm Desert, California
September 15, 2006
Dear Monk Family,
I will always remember Dr.Monk as a caring, compassionate man.He always smiled and had a kind word. He cared for his patients diligently and always planned their care with their future recovery in mind.He was a gift from God that we at ARMC only had the privilege to have for a short time but will remember for a life time.He did so very much good in his life in and out of the hospital, you can be very proud of him. We will miss him dearly at ARMC. God bless you and comfort you.
Grace Demore , RN, ARMC,
Egg harbor Township, New Jersey
September 09, 2006
Nancy, Josh, David & family,
Scott was my dear friend & colleague. We work so closely together as a team. I would kid around with Nancy that he was like my second husband.
He worked for AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center for just three years but Scott will have an EVERLASTING effect on all of us.
When we think of Scott we first think of the person he was.
Scott Monk first and foremost was devoted to his family. I don’t know that you will ever meet a more loving husband and father. Everyone at the hospital knows his wife Nancy and sons Joshua and David as if we had lived with them. We never were tired of hearing about them – especially through Scott’s eyes. He certainly held all of you on the highest pedestal in his life. He loved you very much AS WE LOVED HIM!
Scott had a tough façade – critical for a man who saved lives for a living. But behind that tough facade was the person we all know and love.
Scott was always telling stories - of football and lacrosse games. He relayed his misadventures of jetskiing, including getting stuck in the muddy marsh last summer and his humiliation at having to call the Coast Guard for help – the same Coast Guard that so often brought critically injured patients to him. He was always telling us that story. And every time – we laughed.
Scott was a leader and an exceptionally talented physician. He treated staff and patients alike with respect and dignity. Everyone sought advice from Scott and everyone wanted to work with him. We respected and admired him.
Scott cared. That concern for our health and wellbeing was evident inside and outside our hospital walls. He went out of his way to really make a positive difference in the community because he wanted to. He met with high school students to reinforce with them dangers of risky behaviors. Thursday evening he had just met with local coaches to teach them how prevent injuries in young athletes. It’s what he did. That’s who he was.
You will never meet a kinder, gentler man. Dr. Scott Monk was an extremely special person to all of us. He affected every life - every body he touched.
We are fortunate to have known him and better clinicians having learned from him.
Monica Titus,
ARMC Trauma Program Director, New Jersey
September 09, 2006
Dr. Monk will be missed dearly by all who knew him. He was an amazing Doctor, yet was so unaffected. You could just hang out with him and feel comfortable. He was always there to make you laugh and tell great stories. Things will never be the same. We will always honor you, Dr. Monk, as we care for the patients and their families. God Bless!
Kimberly Wood,
Linwood, New Jersey
September 08, 2006
The loss of someone so close is difficult to bear. We share your grief.
Edson & Lenir Oliveira,
Deerfield Beach, Florida
September 06, 2006
Warm wishes and love to Nancy, Josh and David and to Scott's family. We'll hold you all in our hearts and pray that you find strength and guidance as you move through your loss.
Lora and John Laird,
Pope Valley, California
September 06, 2006
Dear Alta, Keith and Kevin.
On behalf of the Beecher family, we send our love and prayers to all of you at this very sad time.
A favorite memory of Scott was when he was about age 12. I had ridden my bike over to your house in Buffalo Grove. Scott was carrying an encyclopedia around the house. He told me he was looking up interesting facts. Years later he used those interesting facts to save lives. What a wonderful human being.
Big hugs, Lee
September 06, 2006
To Mrs. Monk, the children, and to your extended family, I join our colleagues, and staff at the Atlanticare Regional Medical Center, in expressing our profound sadness, in the untimely passing of such a special human being. May God grant you peace, and understanding, during this difficult time.
(Case Management/ Social Services Dept}. Carolyn Barksdale, RN
Carolyn Barksdale,
Atlantic City, New Jersey
September 05, 2006
I have had the privilege to work with Dr. Monk for the past two years in the Trauma/Surgical clinic. I must say that he was one of the doctors that I respected the most for his passion to save lives. He was a excellent doctor and care about his patients as well as the staff in the clinic. I will always remember Dr. Monk and he will be sadly missed. My condolences go out to his family.
Antoinette Price,
Pleasantville, New Jersey
September 05, 2006
When you look at Scott's picture, you can see the warmth and kindness that has brought peace to many individuals. My husband and I feel fortunate to have known Scott as a neighbor and a friend. Our society has truly lost one of our best.
After experiencing a head injury and no one understood what I was going through, Scott's understanding brought much peace to my soul. I never told him that. We are so sad for his loss.
Carol Johnson,
Cherry Hill, New Jersey
September 05, 2006
A wonderful husband.
A devoted father.
A true friend.
A talented surgeon.
A good man.
A tragic loss.
Carla and John Donegan,
Cherry Hill, New Jersey
September 05, 2006
I worked with Dr Monk in the Trauma/Surgical outpatient clinic. It was obvious the first time we worked together that he was intelligent,compassionate and he had a great sense of humor. He was wonderful to the staff,patients and their families. He is someone we should all wish to emulate. I find myself shedding tears but mostly I have a big grin on my face as I reflect on the times we spent in the clinic. I wish the family well and I hope you find strength in each other and your memories to help you through this terrible loss.
Kathleen Price,
Tuckerton, New Jersey
September 05, 2006
It was a pleasure knowing and working with Scott. His intelligence, sense of humor, and proficiency as a Trauma surgeon, will be dearly missed by all who knew him and the many lives he touched. May God Bless you and your family at this time of your loss.
Sincerely, Stephen, Ann Margaret, and Kelly Francz (ARMC)
Stephen Francz,
Mays Landing, New Jersey
September 05, 2006
I just learned of Scott's passing and wanted to let you know that our thoughts and prayers go out to you. I know it has been a very long time since we have seen one another, never the less many of your friends back in Texas have not forgotten you.
Ed Roberge,
Bedford, Texas
September 04, 2006
To Nancy, Josh, David:
Words cannot express my feelings during this time. May God bless you, keep you safe and hold you in the palm of his hand.
Barb, Brett, Clark, Alicia, and Vera Gurden
barb gurden,
laingsburg, Michigan
September 04, 2006
We wish to express our deepest sympathies to the Monk family in their loss. Scott always had a smile, a laugh, a way to brighten the room. We all have suffered a loss and we will miss him greatly. We've spent the last few days together talking about all of the good memories of Scott and honoring his life, the lives he saved, the lives he touched, and feel sorry for the lives that will never be touched by this great man and surgeon. We miss our Monkey Man! Anyone for a game of baseball in Trauma Admitting?
Cooper Trauma,
Camden, New Jersey
September 04, 2006
To The Monk Family,
You will be missed greatly by all of us in ARMC.May God bless all of his family, he is in a better place...and he will never be forgotten. We love you and miss you.
ventnor/absecon, New Jersey
September 04, 2006To The Monk Family,
May God speed your grief and may you let the memories live on forever. Dr. Monk will be forever missed by us nurses in the critical care unit at ARMC.
Dr. Monk you're in the Happy Place now, say hi to Rick for me and don't forget to take care of us all here. We'll miss you!
Shelley Hansen,
Egg Harbor Township, New Jersey
September 04, 2006I have known and was privileged to have worked with Scott on many occasions. I am truly honored to have consulted with him on many patients and I am thankful he was on duty when I had my heart attack. He saved my life.
You will be greatly missed and our family sends our condolences to his wife, children and all who knew and loved him.
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Corrderio,
Mullica, New Jersey
September 04, 2006
Scott was truly a wonderful person. I appreciated all his efforts, knowledge and compasion in the caring of our patients.
Steve Hodsdon, SouthSTAR,
Galloway, NJ
September 03, 2006
As a case manger, I was fortunate to have Scott care for 2 of my clients at Cooper. He showed great compassion,understanding and respect to both the patient and their families. He was capable of great insight and allowed me to partner in their care. But most of all, he always shared his humor even in the worst of situations, which gave hope to my clients. Your loss is a great loss to all of us.
P Brescia,
Cinnaminson, New Jersey
September 03, 2006My heartfelt sympathies to Alta, Kevin, Keith and Nancy and the entire family. I just heard last night when Kerry called me with the sad news. Altough I haven't seen Scott in 18 years, I still consider him a good friend, one of the brightest people I've ever known, and a truly great person. I hope you cherish your memories of Scott forever, as I'm now flooded with childhood memories of playing with Scott and Kerry at our homes in Walnut Hills and then coming of age together during our years at Cherry Creek H.S.
God speed Scott, you'll be missed.
Mark Peterson
September 03, 2006
To the Monk Family,
I am truly sorry for your loss.
Dr. Monk was a wonderful and caring man. He brought not only his vast medical knowledge to ARMC Trauma but his wonderful sense of humor.
He will be greatly missed.
Betsy Madrigal, RN,Absecon, New Jersey
September 03, 2006
Dr. Monk was an amazing person. I am very thankful for all that he thaught me. Working with him at Trauma was a wonderful experience. He knew how to handle every crisis and how to make everyone else work hard. They way he talked to patients and their families was so caring and truthful. I am very sorry for your loss. We will remember him forever!~
Dorota Winks,
Galloway, New Jersey
September 02, 2006
Dr. Monk was an amazing, caring person. He is one of a kind and will be forever missed by the nurses and staff of the TICU at ARMC.
Jessica Bowman,
New Jersey
September 02, 2006
Dear Monk Family,
I was devastated to hear of Scott's death. He was an awesome physician and I feel privelaged to have worked with him at ACMC. His sense of humor and calm and caring nature made more than one stressful situation in the OR easier to deal with. I am proud to have known Scott and have learned a lot from him about medicine and about life. While he was taken from you far to early, treasure the memories you have of him and remember to always try to find the good in something bad and carry that good with you wherever you go.
I will not ever forget him.
Kim Lewicki,
Rochelle Park, New Jersey
September 02, 2006
He will be greatly missed by the staff at cooper trauma. He was a wonderful doctor but more importantly a wonderful man.
cooper trauma,
camden, New Jersey