Life Changing Moments
The Scott E. Monk Scholarship Fund is housed at the AtlantiCare Foundation. The AtlantiCare Foundation has the unique opportunity to work with donors who are passionate about making a difference. Each donation received enables us to extend the care or services needed to a member of our community the moment they are needed the most. By supporting the work of the AtlantiCare Foundation – you chose to make a moment matter. Inspired by a personal experience of your own or someone close to you, you are making a commitment to improving the health of our community. Through your generous gift, you are forging a hopeful and healthy future for others.
Click on the image below to download our Tribute Book:
Our Impact
Please read about others in our community who have chosen to support the AtlantiCare Foundation. You are invited to take a moment to see how the generous support of our donors helps us build healthy communities.